The Centro Studi Europeo di Musica Medievale “Adolfo Broegg”, edited by the Micrologus, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Spello, organizes the Festival “SPELLO SPLENDENS”.
With the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and the start of the Christmas Holidays of 2010, opens the First Edition of “SPELLO SPLENDENS”, a music festival Medieval, Renaissance, and oral tradition, which proposes, among ‘ else, the rediscovery of particular instruments such as bagpipes, the bagpipes and bagpipes.
The event establishes the link between the city of Spello and the Centro Studi Europeo di Musica Medievale “Adolfo Broegg”, located in the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione di Prato, historical sources that relate specifically to the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception.